
UK Mainland charges are as follows:

UK Mainland Delivery

Up to £10: £3.99

£10 to £20: £4.99

£10 - £95.00: £6.95

Orders over £95.00: Free

These charges apply to addresses on the UK mainland and exclude Northern Ireland, the highlands of Scotland and offshore islands.

The courier will deliver on weekdays between 8.00am and 6.00pm to the address provided by you. Please ensure someone over 18 years of age is available to sign for the goods as they cannot be left without an authorised signature. We regret that if no-one is available at the premises on the day of delivery we reserve the right to charge for re-delivery. Please note that redelivery charges may be higher.

Please check your delivery as soon as possible after receipt for discrepancies or missing items, these must be reported to us in writing/email within 48hrs of receipt. All packing must be checked before taking delivery of the goods and if any damage is found this must be noted on the courier's paperwork. Replacement of damaged goods can only be provided if noted upon receipt.

We aim to have all orders delivered within the stated schedule but this cannot be guaranteed. As such we cannot accept any responsibility for loss if delivered outside of this time.


To return an order please complete a returns form online within 14 days from the day after the goods were received. Goods must be received back to the invoice address within 28 days of receipt to receive a refund. All goods must be returned in a suitable condition for resale to be eligible for a refund. Suitable condition means that any item(s) returned should still be sealed in its original packaging and be undamaged and unused.

Any items that have been opened with be subject to a 20% repackaging fee.

When returning goods the buyer is liable for the return postage costs. Please make sure to obtain proof of postage with tracking information as we cannot accept liability for loss or damage during transit. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure items are adequately protected to avoid damage during transit.

Items received back damaged, without the original packaging or with missing parts will be ineligible for a refund.

Refunds will be issued within 14 days once goods have been received and verifying that they are in a condition suitable for resale.


We are unable to offer exchanges

Delivery Post Code Exceptions

Scottish Highlands & Islands

IV, HS, KA27-28, KW, PA20-49, PA60-78, PH16-26, PH30-44, PH49-50, ZE

Northern Ireland


Channel Islands


Isle of Man, Isles of Scilly

TR21, TR25

Isle of Wight


Charges for the above post codes may be higher than the standard advertised rates. Delivery charges will be confirmed in the basket/checkout.